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About Delaware

We are a global management consulting firm that serves a private, public and social business sectors.

We help our clients make significant and and realize their most important goals. Our world is an point, with technology transforming our clients, our profession, and society at large. Experience right to your home or office. Our design professionals are equipped to help you determine the products and work best for our customers. Over the last five years we have completed almost 4,000 projects for Public Sectors, international governments and public-sector bodies.

90 +
Countries Served
12 k+
Consultants Worldwide
72 +
Rewards & Accolades
20 +
Years in consulting

Start up your New Career Ventures With Delaware

Delaware is one of the world’s best business consulting firms. We help global leaders with their organization’s most critical issues and opportunities.



That empathy of business ownership creates the relationship they required to actually make a difference.


Over 20 years we have been advising a diverse range of businesses on how they can find a competitive advantage.


We partner with clients to put recommendations into practice and work directly with them over the long-term.

Services We Provide

Delware Consulting understands that to help meet client challenges and
opportunities successfully in a global economy

Client Testimonals

Our world is at an inflection point, with technology transforming
our clients, our profession, and society at large.

Latest News

Get our latest thinking on the biggest opportunities and most challenging
issues facing managers today.

Berbagi Ilmu Ditengah Persiapan Muscab IkaPolinema Jatim

Ditengah kesibukannya mempersiapkan kegiatan muscab 2023, pada hari Rabu, 1 November 2023, Ika Polinema Cabang Jatim masih menyempatkan diri memberikan support kegiatan melakukan pendampingan kepada SMKN 3 Surabaya sebagai salah satu sekolah terpilih mendapatkan prioritas untuk pengembangan sebagai SMK PK (Sekolah Menengan Kejuruan Pusat Keunggulan) dari Direktorat Pendidikan Vokasi untuk…

Pendapatmu Untuk IKA Polinema Yang Lebih Baik

Kepengurusan Ika Polinema periode 2019 – 2023 saat ini memasuki tahap akhir periode kepengurusan. Sebagaimana di amanatkan dalam Anggaran Dasar Ika Polinema sudah saatnya kita melakukan Munas yang insyaAllah dilakukan tanggal 14-15 Oktober 2023 di kota Batam. Rekan-rekan alumni sebagai bagian dari organisasi, pengurus menyampaikan terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas semua…

Green Halal Bi Halal dan Silaturahmi APGC

Ditengah cuaca cerah setelah malam sebelumnya diguyur hujan, Minggu 28 Mei 2023, para golfer alumni Polinema yang tergabung dalam Alumni Polinema Golf Club (APGC) kembali menggelar golf bareng (gobar) bertajuk Gobar Green Halal Bi Halal dan Silaturahmi di lapangan golf Jakarta Golf Club – Rawamangun. Dihadiri tidak kurang dari 34…